Teaching Philosophy/Unit

Multimodal Teaching Unit


This assignment is for a GSW 1120 composition course.  Students come into first-year writing courses with a variety of backgrounds and personal experiences that make up their literacy narrative and, because of this, students don’t all learn the same way.  I think learning about students’ unique experiences can be extremely beneficial to knowing how to teach them, help them learn and revise, and conference with them one-on-one.  A person’s literacy narrative can be influenced by many factors including geographic location, ethnic background, culture, religion, career and academic experiences, and more.  It is important to consider each of these things when constructing a literacy narrative of one’s life so as to get a bigger picture of how a student has come to learn and develop their skills as a reader/writer.  Having each student develop a literacy narrative in GSW 1120 will not only help their first-year writing instructors know how to better teach them, but it will help them to have a better understanding of their identity as an academic.  This literacy narrative could also be used in other courses or in tutoring situations where the instructor’s/tutor’s understanding of a student’s background could lead to a more productive teaching session. 

For the purposes of this assignment, a literacy narrative is an exploration of how a person comes to read and write. 


The development of the literacy narrative project will take place over the course of three weeks (with student presentations taking place in the fourth week).  Each week, you will be asked to focus on one of the following aspects of your literacy development:

Week #1 – Geography
How has where you live/lived contributed to your literacy development?

Week #2 – Culture/ethnicity
How have your literacy experiences been effected by your culture and/or ethnicity?

Week #3 – Other factors (religion, job experiences, schooling, etc.)
Think about other important factors in your life.  Has your religious background had an impact on your literacy?  What about your job experiences?  What was your academic environment like growing up (public school, private school, homeschool, etc.)?  How did your schooling experiences impact your development of literacy?  What other unique factors of your life/upbringing contributed to your literacy?

Week #4 – Presentations (see below)


You will be focusing on these factors each week and will be using them to create individual installments that will then make up your complete literacy narrative project at the end of the three weeks. 

For Week #1, you will find an image of a map.  You can scan an actual map or find an image through a Google search.  Next, you will use an app or program on your computer or phone to mark the places you’ve lived or traveled to that have had an impact on your literacy.  The map will be accompanied by a brief alphabetic description of the places you marked and why they are important to you.

For Week #2, you will be creating an alphabetic script (around 500 words) about your family’s cultural/ethnic background and how it has contributed to your individual literacy development.  You will then use the script to create an audio or video recording of you sharing your experiences.   

For Week #3, you will choose your own modality to discuss the other factors that have contributed to your literacy.  If you chose to do an audio for Week #2, you can do a video for Week #3 and vice versa.  You could also choose to use a social media site like Instagram or Twitter or create a blog post; the choice is yours.

For Week #4, you will give a 7-10 minute presentation (accompanied by a visual aid like a PowerPoint or Prezi and excerpts from your literacy narrative project) about what you learned throughout the process of discussing your literacy development.  These presentations will take place throughout the week and you will be assigned a presentation day (either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday) by me.

You will be given some class time each week to complete these elements, but the majority of your work will take place outside of class.  We will also have time each week for small groups where you will share (if you are comfortable) aspects of your literacy narrative and your experiences with the modality for that week.  When all elements are complete, students will email me their documents/links for review.  This assignment will count for points, but it will not be “graded.”  The purpose of this project is not to be assessed, but rather to help you and your instructor better understand how you learn based on your background and past experiences.  

Unit Schedule



Discussion:  What is a literacy narrative? 

Group work:  Students will discuss how they learned to read and write and what has contributed to their “literacy journey.”

Discussion:  How does geographic location impact literacy development?

Group work:  Students will discuss how they think where they were born (or where their parents were born/grew up), where they grew up, and where they live now impacted their literacy.

Discussion:  Working on the “map” aspect of literacy narrative project.

In-class work:  Students will find a map or plan to scan one into their computer and start thinking about how the places they have lived have impacted their literacy development.

Discussion:  How does culture/ethnicity affect literacy development?

Group work:  Students will share (as much as they feel comfortable) the ways they feel their cultural and ethnic background has affected their literacy journey.

In-class activity:  The instructor will share several multimodal literacy narrative samples as examples for students to consider/follow as they are constructing their own multimodal literacy narrative projects. 

Discussion:  Preparing the script for the cultural background aspect of the project and how to use various audio/video programs.

In-class work:  Students will work on developing their script and start thinking about which program they’d like to use to do their audio/video recording.

Discussion:  What other factors contribute to one’s literacy development?  Think about religion, gender, race, social class, academic and work experiences, etc.

Group work:  Students will share (as much as they feel comfortable) the ways they feel these other factors have affected their literacy journey.

Discussion:  Discuss the various options for completing the third component of the literacy narrative project.

In-class work:  Students will experiment with audio, video, social media, etc. and decide which option they would like to pursue.

Discussion:  Preparing the third component of the literacy narrative project and considering the many life experiences that can contribute to one’s literacy development.

In-class activity:  Students will work on developing their third component of the literacy narrative project.

All students will give a 7-10 minutes presentation (accompanied by a visual aid like a PowerPoint or Prezi and excerpts from their literacy narrative project) about what they learned throughout the process of discussing their literacy development.

In-class activity:  Student presentations

In-class activity:  Student presentations

In-class activity:  Student presentations

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